The Sherlock Holmes series returns with this updated version of The Awakened, which brings a whole new dimension to the original title developed by Frogwares. The game puts the player into an investigation of the Cthulhu Mythos - as imagined by Father of modern horror, H.P. Lovecraft.
This new Sherlock Holmes game sends us to 19th Century London where Arséne Lupin, a young French burglar with an impressive track record, has just challenged Scotland Yard and the most famous of detectives - Sherlock Holmes.
In this story-driven detective thriller, a young Sherlock Holmes struggles to prove himself as he navigates an exotic, dangerous island in the Mediterranean to investigate the mystery of his mother’s death.
Experience a nerve-racking Lovecraftian adventure, rebuilt from the ground up with modern graphics and gameplay. Become Sherlock Holmes, and find yourself at the heart of the terrifying Cthulhu Mythos as you investigate a series of mysterious disappearances in Europe and the US.
Recognized as one of the best licenses in gaming and lauded by the press, Sherlock Holmes is back with an investigation that is sure to be the most horrifying of the series. The famous detective stands against the most dangerous serial killer England has ever known - Jack the Ripper.
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